Updated 71 days ago

TON Presale Tools

Building a transaparent and secure way of running presales/ICOs in the TON ecosystem. Idea to launch on DEX in 4 clicks.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Safe
  • Defi
  • Social
  • Creator Economy
  • TON


Name: TON Presale Tools
Track: DeFi
Sub-Track: Beginner-Friendly Products & Advanced Features
Brief: Open Presale/ICO platform for everyone.
Demo/Product: https://t.me/tonpresaletoolsbot

Telegram channel

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With the recent boom in the memecoin field, pre-selling tokens has become one of the most popular ways to raise capital for the future memes. Popular crypto influencers post wallet addresses that people send funds to and after some time get the coins airdropped to them.

The problem here comes from the fact that those wallets are most commonly just personal wallets that those influencers control. Meaning, that after receiving funds from other users, they are free to do whatever with the coins. This has already led to many unfortunate stories like scams, airdrop burning or pump-and-dump schemes.


With the TON ecosystem growing rapidly, there will be room for similar presales/ICOs and our mission is to do this right, by creating a smart-contract based platform for running presales. By removing the human factor, we not only guarantee a safe presale, but also ensure that all new tokens follow the best Jetton handling standards and practices.

Apart from making the whole process better, a large portion of our focus is put on making it easier. With well thought-out design, our users are able to turn an idea into a token trading on DEX is just 4 clicks. And with the revolutionary automatic mode, in just 1!


Web App (TWA)

The web app is written in React and utilizes TonConnect for all interactions with contracts.

Manual Mode

The user is guided through 3 phases of a presale:

  • Token minting
  • Presale launch
  • DEX listing

The focus of each phase's component is guidance and user-friendliness. Each tile is equipped with a tooltip that explains the phase in detail, along with each input field having type-enforcement and in-context guidance.

As an example, here's the Presale Launcher tile:

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Manual mode is 100% free except any blockchain fees that user has to pay for interacting with smart-contracts. The aim is not only give an easy way of launching a presale, but to also build a solid understanding of blockchain concepts and Jetton processing.

Automatic Mode

Since 4 clicks was too much to expect from a user, the automatic mode was created to bring the number down to just 1. After configuring the Token's metadata and presale details, a user is expected to only execute 1 transaction to bring their token to life. An automated job will take care of minting, running the presale and listing the token.

Since this mode requires backend infrastructure, it is subject to a fee. A full version will be available at v2.0 launch.


As a bonus, we have created tonpre.sale - a dedicated explorer for getting information about a presale.


The first version (v1.0.0) of the presale contract issues tokens to the user based on the pre-defined rate immediately. It additionally bounces all transactions exceeding maximum or subceed the minimum one-time deposit.

The core idea of the contract is to allow users to participate by simply sending TON to a presale address, rather than having to utilize a web application.

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The contract is additionally programmed to deny the creator from participating in the presale.

Contract lifecycle


The contract follows a 3-step lifecycle:

  • Deployment
    • Contract is deployed and tokens for presale are allocated.
  • Presale
    • Users send TON to the contract and get Jetton in return.
  • Contract burn
    • Contract deployer receives all excess Jettons and all collected TON. The contract is also destroyed.


Since this project was created purely in scope of the Hackathon, several design practices (in the web app) were omitted to save time. TON Presale tools will continue active development and will follow with a v2.0 launch shortly after the end of hackathon.

With that, we have already planned a lot of changes to the platform, some even improving the overall concept. These include, but not limited to:

  • Web App
    • Extensive UX improvements and design overhaul.
    • Addition of more tools like token metadata updating, burning and transferring Jettons to any wallet.
    • Allow the user to choose a platform to list on. Currently, default is StonFi.
    • Move to IPFS instead of on-chain metadata.
    • Support image uploading to CDN.
  • Contract
    • Move to Merkle tree-based airdrop rather than sending Jettons right away.
      • Consider SBT NFT-based, Proof-Of-Participation system for claiming tokens.
    • Store participants in Merkle tree to limit addresses to one time participations.
    • Introduce soft cap.
    • Deploy the presale contract through minter contract.
    • Comply with TVM Upgrade 2024.04 and enable dynamic fee instructions.

Furthermore, TON Presale Tools will transform beyond a presale launcher into a full-scale project launchpad with tools to promote yourself and build a solid community. Our standard is to keep the entry bar as low as possible to ensure maximum accessibility of launching on TON!