Updated 26 days ago

Token Tails - Play To Save game

Play with your virtual cat to save a cat in the shelter

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Metamask
  • DAO / Community
  • NFT
  • GameFi
  • Metaverse
  • X-2-Earn
  • Social
  • Creator Economy
  • Mobile
  • Play2Save
  • Charity
  • Non-profit
  • Stellar

🐱 Token Tails: Play, Earn, Save Cats!

Telegram game: https://t.me/catbassadorsbot/app

Docs: https://docs.tokentails.com

Tokenomics: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kEEt9EFV0oWXj7Ua7rCwImcI8CCifsX3VidKxoRQDd4


Play with your virtual cat, have fun and help save real cats in shelters. Fun, rewarding, and impactful—join us!

  • Virtual Cat shelter private alpha for early birds - Launched
  • Telegram Catbassadors game - launched
  • Open Beta - launched

Our game has 4 parts

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Adopt: Virtual cat shelter to find you purr-fect companion

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Care: Cats home to fulfill the needs of the cat and earn coins !

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Adventures: Purrquest - dive into platformer pixel art adventures of Token Tails

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Earn: Catbassadors initiative - mini telegram action survival game in which you need to control your cat and survive as long as possible

Our Purrtastic Achievements

  • Accelerated by SKALE network: GTM + liquidity support, Technical support, Grant support, marketing & connections with 39 partners
  • Awarded by Stellar network: Grant support
  • Supported: Cyberscope ( audit ), Micorosft, OpenAI, MongoDB with over $110k USD in credits
  • Winnings: U2U vietnam hackathon, Smart city hackathon, Technorama exhibition ( Featured on TV 🙂 )
  • Co-marketing: partnership with Wizardia, Carbify, Lovetap image (2).png

💰 Investment Opportunity Total Goal: $1.6m at a $15m diluted market cap

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