Updated 206 days ago


Web3 gamified user journeys for SMM

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Avalanche
  • NFT
  • Creator Economy
  • consumer-facing
  • Particle
  • Phaser

vBrand introduces a prototype of the tooling to manage gamified SMM campaigns. We work on a Web3-powered platform designed to revolutionize social media marketing and loyalty programs. Current BUIDL includes:

  • seemless onboarding experience
  • prototype for campaign marketplace
  • gamified experince with SBT rewards
  • referral mechanics

In the future developement, such a transparent and secure mechanism for tokenized incentives and influencer economy. Aimed at enhancing brand-audience interaction, it offers simple tools for brands to start creating their data unions with creators and brands with similar TA.

Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 23.09.32.png

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 17.20.58.png

Our Presentation

Demo for user flow

vSelf Project for Brands

vSelf Website