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Let's scale Ethereum

3,000 USD



Arbitrum is a suite of Ethereum scaling solutions that makes it easy to build and use decentralized applications and enables cheap and ultra-fast transactions. Arbitrum is the leading and most advanced scaling solution today, with the highest TVL, more than 33Million of unique addresses, and a vibrant community waiting for you to join.


Best Mobile App

Design and develop an innovative mobile application that leverages the power of Arbitrum’s Layer 2 scaling solutions. Your app should focus on providing seamless, secure, and efficient user experience, utilizing Arbitrum’s low-cost, fast transactions. Whether it is a DeFi tool, a gaming app, your app should demonstrate how mobile-first development can unlock the full potential of Arbitrum’s ecosystem.

  • 1st Place $600
  • 2nd Place $400

Best DeFi & Payments App

Create cutting-edge DeFi or payments application that harnesses the speed, scalability and low fees of Arbitrum’s Layer 2 technology. You app should offer innovative financial services, whether through lending, trading, yield farming or streamlined payments. All while ensuring a user-friendly and secure experience. Show how your solution can make decentralized finance more accessible and efficient.

  • 1st Place $600
  • 2nd Place $400

Best Social App & Gaming

Build a groundbreaking social application or game that leverages Arbitrum’s Layer 2 technology to redefine how people connect and interact on the blockchain. Your app should focus on creating unique social or gaming experiences, whether through connecting to existing social networks, content-sharing platforms, community-driven initiatives or your own novel usecases. Utilize Arbitrum’s scalability and low transaction fees to enable seamless interactions, enhance privacy, and empower users with greater control over their data.

  • 1st Place $600
  • 2nd Place $400

Submission Requirements

Deployment to Arbitrum Network. Your application must be deployed to one of the public Arbitrum networks—Arbitrum One, Arbitrum Nova, or a testnet like Arbitrum Sepolia. Include the deployment address and instructions for accessing and testing the deployed app.

Functional Prototype: Submit a fully functional prototype of your application that clearly demonstrates its core features and how it leverages Arbitrum’s Layer 2 technology. The prototype should be accessible for testing by the judges and should include any necessary instructions for setup and use.