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Build ZK, Frames, and Consumer Apps

15,000 USD



Most adopted scaling technology. Build and deploy dApps, launch ZK rollups and validiums as Layer 2s on Ethereum, spin up nodes and much more.


🔒 $5,000 USD: Best zk App We’re seeking dApps that leverage zero-knowledge (zk) technology to create secure and privacy-preserving applications on Polygon. This bounty is aimed at projects that push the boundaries of zk technology, offering innovative solutions and demonstrating the potential of zk in various domains.

🏆 Prize Breakdown:

1st place - $2,000

Runner-ups (up to 3) - $1,000 each

🌍 $5,000 USD: Best Consumer App Build consumer applications that align with the ethos of Ethereum, focusing on real-world use cases and leveraging the power of Polygon’s decentralized and secure platform.

🏆 Prize Breakdown:

1st place - $2,000

Runner-ups (up to 3) - $1,000 each

🖼️ $5,000 USD: Best Farcaster Frames Project with Polygon tx Create the best user experience with Farcaster Frames, enabling on-chain or hybrid experiences with Polygon PoS Mainnet transaction support.

🏆 Prize Breakdown:

1st place - $2,000

Runner-ups (up to 3) - $1,000 each

Submission Requirements

  • Deployment: Your MVP must be fully deployed on any Polygon network (Polygon PoS Mainnet / Amoy testnet, Polygon zkEVM Mainnet / Cardona testnet) with a functional frontend for interaction with your smart contracts. Ensure smart contract addresses are clearly shown in both the submission and the GitHub repository (README file). Failure to provide smart contract addresses may result in disqualification.
  • Innovation and Utility: Build anything and everything on Polygon. Projects should introduce novel features or mechanisms that enhance user interaction and engagement in a decentralized environment.
  • GitHub Repository: Maintain a good commit history. Repositories with few commits (< 5) or with commits outside the hackathon timeline will be disqualified. Include smart contract addresses for deployed contracts.
  • Video Demo: Submit a video demo showcasing at least one complete flow of your hack (local deployments accepted for video submission).
  • Pitch Deck: Provide a hackathon pitch deck presentation outlining the problem, solution, and how it’s built (include diagrams).

Bonus Points:

  • Deploy the project and provide a testing URL.
  • Include a clear roadmap with timeline and deliverables.