
The Planetary Registry

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During the birthing process, a parent completes the registration for their newborn and provides essential details. Additionally, they compose a heartfelt letter addressed to their child. As an optional step, they can include a certain amount of cryptocurrency in staked form and secure it within the contract. This action triggers the creation of a unique NFT snowflake. The snowflake is crafted by an AI snowflake maker trained exclusively for this purpose. Once the child reaches adulthood, they have the choice to utilize their snowflake to unlock the contract, gain access to the funds, and read the heartfelt letter. Subsequently, they can decide whether to share the letter openly for others to read and experience the love expressed within, or keep it securely locked (with automatic unlocking after 30 years).

During the birthing process, a parent completes the registration for their newborn and provides essential details. Additionally, they compose a heartfelt letter addressed to their child. As an optional step, they can include a certain amount of cryptocurrency in staked form and secure it within the contract. This action triggers the creation of a unique NFT snowflake. The snowflake is crafted by an AI snowflake maker trained exclusively for this purpose. Once the child reaches adulthood, they have the choice to utilize their snowflake to unlock the contract, gain access to the funds, and read the heartfelt letter. Subsequently, they can decide whether to share the letter openly for others to read and experience the love expressed within, or keep it securely locked (with automatic unlocking after 30 years).