Step 1:进入BUIDL页面
前往 DoraHacks.io,点击“Submit BUIDL”进行BUIDL上传。
Step 2:填写BUIDL信息
Step 3: 项目验证
为了避免虚假项目上传平台,项目上传后,状态会显示为“In review”。
此时请联系DoraHacks(Discord 或 Telegram)验证项目真实性。
Step 4:BUIDL维护
- 点击头像 > Profile,进入个人中心
2. 在“BUIDL”一栏即可查看并编辑您所上传的BUIDL
关于 DoraHacks
DoraHacks is a global hackathon organizer and one of the world's most active multi-chain developer communities. Committed to a global hacker movement with around 20K global monthly active users, it provides crypto-native toolkits to help BUIDLers get funded for their ideas and products.
By far, nearly 3000 projects on DoraHacks.io have received over $18 million in prizes and funding from supporters worldwide. 80+ major blockchain ecosystems and dozens of open source communities and DAOs are using Dora's infrastructure for quadratic funding grants, hackathons, community contribution, bounty, and the governance of their communities.
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