2022年7月11日,Solana夏季黑客马拉松 (Solana Summer Camp Hackathon)报名入口在DoraHacks.io开启。
Solana夏季黑客马拉松的时间是7月11日 - 8月16日。除线上黑客松以外,本次黑客松还将在全球九个城市举办现场活动,包括旧金山、芝加哥、盐湖城、伦敦、柏林、贝尔格莱德、里斯本、阿姆斯特丹和新加坡。
我们不仅欢迎初次接触Solana 开发的新人,也非常期待在Solana BUIDL的老Hacker们的持续“输出”!
- 项目提交入口:
- 项目提交指南:
- 丰厚奖金&潜在投资机会:参加本次黑客松的优质项目将有机会获得总价值500万美金的奖金激励和种子投资!
- 团队/项目宣传曝光:每个参赛项目都有机会参与面向开发者社区与投资人的Demo直播进行项目展示,获得大量曝光;黑客松结束后,优秀项目可能得到DoraHacks与Solana团队的专访!
- 同行交流机会:参与本次Hackathon的builder 们可获得加入Solana builder 群(邀请制)权限。与更多Solana开发者切磋交流,找到更多合作伙伴!
1. 提交项目:登陆 DoraHacks 平台,进入页面: 点击“Submit BUIDL”进行报名。新用户请先注册。(申请指南 》)
2. 加入Solana BUILDers 群:加入Solana开发者专属社群 ,获取一手活动资讯。没有项目的开发者也可以在群里组队,共同把idea转化为项目!Telegram社群:
3. 联系脑洞猫:为了防止虚假项目参与瓜分奖池,请联系脑洞猫(Telegram@dorahacksofficial)验证项目真实性 。
- Grant Champion: $65K USDC +在葡萄牙里斯本的 Solana Breakpoint 展示机会
- University Award: $30K
- Community Choice Award: $10K
- Climate Award: $10K
- Solana Cookbook:
- SolDev:
- Build a Web3 App on Solana:
- Questbook x Superteam:
- Escrow Program Guide:
- Intro To Anchor Framework:
- A Guide to Fullstack Development on Solana:
- Intro to Solana Blockchain Concepts:
- Solana Bootcamp Playlist:
往期Solana Workshop资源:
Solana Grant 黑客松 Round1(2021.5-2021.6)
- 如何在Solana上开发项目 >
讲师: Justin Starry, Senior Engineer @Solana - 如何在Solana上写一个Defi项目 >
讲师: Yihau, Developer at Portto - Solana开发避坑指南 >
讲师: Gessi, Tech Leader of SolongWallet - Serum集成与Solana开发入门 >
讲师: Taylor&Tommy Johnson, PsyOptions - 一个Solana钱包的技术栈/如何集成钱包应用 >
讲师: Gessi, Tech Leader of SolongWallet - 在Anchor上编写Solana程序 >
讲师: Parrot, Parrot Developer - 带你认识Anchor及其框架 >
讲师: Armani Ferrante
关于 Solana
Solana 是世界上最高性能的区块链之一。在不影响安全性或可组合性的情况下,它提供了可预测的扩展性,赋予开发者进行长期开发的信心。Solana 的性能受到分片内并行性的驱动,能够同时处理数千个智能合约,而通过创新的分布式计时方案「历史证明」,它实现了全局状态的低延迟、亚秒级的最终性。请访问 了解更多信息。
DoraHacks 是去中心化的全球开发者社区和全球最活跃的Hackathon 组织者之一,连接全世界的Hacker,解决重要而迫切的问题。DoraHacks.io开源开发者平台提供二次方资助, Grant, Hackathon, Bounty, 极客与画家NFT等一系列工具,激励全球开源社区的发展。
DoraHacks is Where Hackers BUILD, Together.
The Solana Summer Camp Hackathon is a competition where projects will be evaluated by judges on their technological merits without consideration of legal viability. Participants in the Hackathon will create software solely for purposes of evaluation by judges as part of a competition and not for commercial deployment or release as part of the Hackathon. All participants must comply with applicable laws and regulations when releasing any software that they develop as part of the Hackathon.
The Hackathon ideas and developer resources that the Solana Foundation (“SF”) provides are for educational and inspirational purposes only. SF does not encourage, induce or sanction the deployment of any such applications in violation of applicable laws or regulations. SF does not encourage, induce or sanction the deployment, integration or use of any such applications (including the code comprising the Solana blockchain protocol) in violation of applicable laws or regulations and hereby prohibits any such deployment, integration or use. This includes use of any such applications by the reader (a) in violation of export control or sanctions laws of the United States or any other applicable jurisdiction, (b) if the reader is located in or ordinarily resident in a country or territory subject to comprehensive sanctions administered by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), (c) if the reader is or is working on behalf of a Specially Designated National (SDN) or a person subject to similar blocking or denied party prohibitions, or (d) in violation of the Commodities and Exchange Act.
The reader should be aware that U.S. export control and sanctions laws prohibit U.S. persons (and other persons that are subject to such laws) from transacting with persons in certain countries and territories or that are on the SDN list. As a project based primarily on open-source software, it is possible that such sanctioned persons may nevertheless bypass prohibitions, obtain the code comprising the Solana blockchain protocol (or other project code or applications) and deploy, integrate, or otherwise use it. Accordingly, there is a risk to individuals that other persons using the Solana blockchain protocol may be sanctioned persons and that transactions with such persons would be a violation of U.S. export controls and sanctions law. This risk applies to individuals, organizations, and other ecosystem participants that deploy, integrate, or use the Solana blockchain protocol code directly (e.g., as a node operator), and individuals that transact on the Solana blockchain through light clients, third party interfaces, and/or wallet software.