First place

d-blog sytem with token gating

Web3 NFT Open Platform For Novice Web3 User

Second place


CCC is a platform for on-chain creation and collaboration. It takes advantage of Dfinity’s low threshold in order to introduce Web2 creators to Web3. We noticed that there are a few creators that use blockchain technology. OpenSea, for example, has only a few hundred thousand users.


Giftomy is a NFT marketplace for public goods, which include open source software, open science, open education, open data and so on. We help public goods creators to value their work and connect with their supporters. Finally it will unleash unlimited creativity.

Third place


小红花是链上可追溯的贡献凭证,致力于解决 DAO 贡献治理的困境,帮助 DAO 便捷快速的启动。

The Shouter

A decentralized social square.


Decentralized Company Registrar (A no-code DAO launch toolkit) built with IPFS