2023/04/24 → 2023/05/24, 00:00

DAOrayaki | Curation: Comparing decentralized social protocols

  • Writing / Translation
  • Curation
  • decentralized social protocols
  • Protocol design goals
  • technical implementation methods
  • ecological applications
  • Details
  • Activities
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Multiple-winner bounty


First round winner: https://daorayaki.org/topic/646045ca95a1fdef21247aa2


Decentralized social protocols are one of the important applications of Web3 technology, but the differences between different protocols make it difficult to choose. Curating this topic could focus on comparing different decentralized social protocols, including their design goals, features, technical implementation methods, and ecological applications. Available decentralized social protocols to choose from include Nostr, Mastodon, Lens, Activity Hub, Farcaster, Mem Protocol, Towns, and more.

1. Bounty:

60 USDT - 80 USDT

2. Time:


3. Bounty Claim:

Join DAOrayaki Discord to claim this bounty: Curator Space

4. Requirements:

1)Language: no limit
2)Curation content:
  • The purpose of curation is to showcase and promote the most valuable articles, so both original and non-original content, as well as a mix of the two, can be accepted, but the source of the article must be clearly labeled.
  • You can use ChatGPT or other AIGC tools to assist you in curating, and we hope to jointly explore the boundaries of AI for creators.
3)Delivering Results:

Including but not limited to the following forms:

Curation Topic: Come up with an interesting name for your curation topic;

Curation Abstract: Provide a brief introduction of your curation topic;

Curation Keypoints: Explain the purpose of your curation topic;

Curator: Identify who is curating the topic, for example, yourself, ChatGPT, or others;

Curation Content:

  • An introduction or editorial, of no less than 500 words, outlining the curation content and your curation purpose;
  • At least five articles that clearly exhibit the curation theme.

5. Submission and Bounty Distribution:

1) Submission

The curation collection (including all individual articles) will be published on the DAOrayaki Web3 Client.

Submission Guideline: Chinese or English

Contact us for more help.

2) Review

Members of the decentralized editorial committee will review the curation content on the DAOrayaki Web3 Client, with a review period of 1-3 days.

3) Bounty Distribution

Upon approval, the curation topic will be published and bounties will be distributed.

6. Bounty Distribution Criteria:

Bounties will be evaluated based on dimensions such as richness, originality, value, and popularity of your curation topic.

There are curation references available at https://daorayaki.org/curations.

About DAOrayaki:

DAOrayaki is a decentralized media protocol, which supports free curation, creation, publishing, and reporting by various media.

Contact Us

Discord: General Channel

Telegram: @DAOrayaki_Official

More Info

DAOrayakai decentralized content media platform

