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Flash-Profit-Extractor: Reactive Smart Contract Arbitrage Platform
A novel arbitrage platform built on Reactive Network that optimizes trading strategies through dynamic pricing and automated approval-based swaps. The system leverages reactive smart contracts to enable efficient token swapping and real-time price monitoring.
Core Smart Contracts
Contract Addresses
- Staking: 0x1A99F9846551920BDB3768c70FDEfb12E48ed9BD
- EXCH_ADDR: 0x17862a8DeC8833b326C2360c05729e30510cA565
- SWAP_ADDR1: 0x7dE1dC9BCB8404Ff3ad80332C6266a770B1674BD
- SWAP_ADDR2: 0xA9A9b11Ad815818dAcc0fe152E53c38cdf5675EA
- SWAP_ADDR3: 0x008D7dD4925A3A901cD3276192351eaf0Cdf3fa7
- APPROVAL_SRV_ADDR: 0xAaCc8a2D45a6427b9Dd1476f5D18599Fbb3B6Ac3 (REACTIVE KOPLI)
- APPROVAL_RCT_ADDR: 0xd8f0861688c232bc874D983f0c8345cDB20146C6
- STAKING_REACTIVE: 0xaD337E7E8223D5C6BedB2835Eee409dB362dDA8e
1. MySwap Contract
The foundation of our platform's swap functionality, implementing approval-based token exchanges.
contract MySwap is IApprovalClient {
ApprovalService private service;
IERC20 private token0;
IERC20 private token1;
uint256 public reserve0;
uint256 public reserve1;
uint256 private constant PRECISION = 1e18;
uint256 public currentPrice;
// Key events for tracking swaps and liquidity
event LiquidityAdded(address indexed provider, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1);
event Swap(address indexed user, uint256 amountIn, uint256 amountOut, address tokenIn, address tokenOut);
event Result(address indexed user, address tokenOut, uint256 amountOut);
Key Features:
- Reactive Network approval service integration
- Automated price calculations
- 0.3% swap fee mechanism
- Real-time reserve management
- Liquidity provider functionality
2. DynamicPriceERC20 Contract
Implements dynamic token pricing to simulate real market conditions.
contract DynamicPriceERC20 is ERC20 {
uint256 public mintPrice;
uint256 public maxSupply;
uint256 public mintIncrease;
uint256 public burnDecrease;
event TokensMinted(address indexed to, uint256 amount, uint256 price);
event TokensBurned(address indexed from, uint256 amount, uint256 price);
event PriceUpdated(uint256 newPrice);
- Dynamic price adjustment based on supply and demand
- Square root pricing model for realistic market simulation
- Mintable and burnable token mechanics
- Price update events for real-time tracking
3. MyExch Contract
Handles token-to-ETH exchanges using the Reactive Network's approval system.
contract MyExch is IApprovalClient {
ApprovalService private service;
IDynamicPriceERC20 private immutable token;
// Exchange functionality through approval service
function onApproval(
address approver,
address approved_token,
uint256 amount
) external onlyService {
// Exchange implementation
- Direct token-to-ETH conversion
- Reactive approval service integration
- Dynamic pricing integration
- Automated settlement system
System Architecture
Platform Features
1. Token Swapping Mechanism
- Approval-based execution
- Real-time price updates
- Automated reserve management
- 0.3% swap fee structure
2. Dynamic Pricing System
- Market simulation through supply/demand
- Square root pricing model
- Mint/burn price adjustments
- Real-time price feeds
3. Exchange Functionality
- Token-to-ETH conversions
- Approval-based transactions
- Dynamic cost calculations
- Automated settlements
4. Price Discovery Engine (pricingService.js
class PricingService {
constructor(swapAddresses) {
this.swapAddresses = swapAddresses;
this.updateInterval = 30000; // 30 seconds
async monitorPrices() {
// Price monitoring implementation
async computeArbitrage() {
// Arbitrage computation
User Flow
Platform Entry
- Stake ETH for platform access
- 5% withdrawal fee structure
Trading Options
- Single-chain arbitrage execution
- Future cross-chain capabilities
- Direct token-to-ETH exchanges
Trade Execution
- Token approval through Reactive Network
- Automated price checks
- Optimal route execution
Development Roadmap
Phase 1: Current Implementation
- Reactive Network integration
- Dynamic pricing system
- Single-chain arbitrage across multiple swaps deployed on sepolia
Phase 2: Enhancements
- Cross-chain capabilities
- Dynamic NFT integration
- Advanced pricing models
- More advanced Swaps and Exchanges
Technical Requirements
- Reactive Network compatibility
- Ether.js integration
- Sepolia testnet deployment
Security Features
- Reactive Network protocols
- Approval-based execution
- Reserve validation
- Price manipulation protection
MIT License
Development Team
Prakhar Srivastava