Updated 45 days ago

Reactive Bridge

Seamlessly bridging tokens across chains with real-time Reactive network intelligence.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • DeFi
  • Chain Abstraction
  • Crypto Adoption

Reactive Bridge


This project illustrates a basic use case of the Reactive Network, showcasing a token bridge between two chains. The setup consists of a ERC20 token contract deployed on origin & destination chains, with a Reactive Contract managing the bridge between them. The Reactive Contract listens for events on both chains, emits logs, and triggers callbacks based on predefined conditions. For now, the demo only showcase A->B(Polygon to Sepolia) because, Sepolia is only destination chain supported by Reactive Network as of now. But, the Reactive contract is designed to support two-way token bridging(A->B and B->A).

Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 10.24.16 AM.png


  • Two-way Token Bridge: This project supports two-way(A->B, B->A) token bridging between two chains. The Reactive Contract designed to listen for events on both chains and trigger callbacks to mint tokens on the destination chain. For now, the demo only showcase A->B(Polygon to Sepolia) because, Sepolia is only destination chain supported by Reactive Network as of now.

  • Intuitive UI: The demo includes a simple UI(Uniswap's Swap like UI) to interact with the contracts. Users can request a bridge transfer from one chain to another by entering the amount of tokens to be bridged.

  • Realtime Updates: The UI updates token balances in real-time to reflect the status of the bridge transfer. Users can track the progress of the bridge transfer, from the request to the bridging of tokens on the destination chain.


The demo involves two contracts. Can be found in src/demos/token-bridge directory:

  1. Origin & Destination Chain Contract: CrossToken.sol is a Simple ERC20 token contract that can be deployed on both the origin and destination chains(called as origin1, origin2). It emits an event BridgeRequest when a user requests a bridge transfer from one chain to another. The event contains the user's address and the amount to be bridged.

  2. Reactive Contract: ReactiveBridge.sol subscribes to events on both origin & destination, emits logs, and triggers callbacks when conditions are met, such as when BridgeRequest is emitted on the either of the chains, The callback is sent to the other chain with payload data to mint tokens on the destination chain. This contract is designed to support two-way token bridging(A->B and B->A). Right now, the demo only supports A->B because, Sepolia is only destination chain supported by Reactive Network.

Getting Started


To set up foundry environment, run:

curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
source ~/.bashrc
  • Etherem wallet with Some funds on origin and destination chains

To deploy contracts, follow these steps, making sure you substitute the appropriate keys, addresses, and endpoints where necessary. You will need the following environment variables configured appropriately to follow this script:


You can use the recommended Sepolia RPC URL: https://rpc2.sepolia.org.

Load the environment variables:

source .env

Compile & Deploy Contracts

This project is scaffolded using Foundry, a smart contract development toolchain. Please refer to the Foundry documentation for more details.

Directory structure:

├── README.md
├── .env
├── lib # Foundry, OpenZeppelin, and other dependencies
├── src
│   ├── demos
│   │   └── token-bridge # Token Bridge Demo Contracts
│   │       ├── CrossToken.sol
│   │       └── ReactiveBridge.sol
├── frontend

Install dependencies and compile the contracts:

forge install

forge compile

Deploy the CrossToken contract with authorized callback sender on both chains(eg. Polygon & Sepolia) and assign the Deployed to address from the response to ORIGIN1_ADDR and ORIGIN2_ADDR respectively.

forge create --rpc-url $ORIGIN1_RPC --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY src/demos/token-bridge/CrossToken.sol:CrossToken --constructor-args 1000000000000000000000 $CALLBACK_SENDER_ADDR

forge create --rpc-url $ORIGIN2_RPC --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY src/demos/token-bridge/CrossToken.sol:CrossToken --constructor-args 1000000000000000000000 $CALLBACK_SENDER_ADDR

Callback Payment

To ensure a successful callback, the callback contract(both origin1, origin2 contracts) must have an ETH balance. You can find more details here. To fund the callback contracts, run the following command:

cast send $ORIGIN1_ADDR --rpc-url $ORIGIN1_RPC --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --value 0.1ether

cast send $ORIGIN2_ADDR --rpc-url $ORIGIN2_RPC --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --value 0.1ether

Deploy Reactive Contract

Deploy the ReactiveBridge.sol (reactive contract), configuring it to listen to BridgeRequest event on both chains(origin1, origin2) and trigger a callback to the other chain with the payload data.

forge create --rpc-url $REACTIVE_RPC --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY src/demos/token-bridge/ReactiveBridge.sol:ReactiveBridge --constructor-args $SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDR $ORIGIN1_ADDR $ORIGIN2_ADDR $ORIGIN1_CHAINID $ORIGIN2_CHAINID

Test the Bridge

Test the whole setup by sending a bridge request from origin1 to origin2(Should be Sepolia).

cast send --rpc-url $ORIGIN1_RPC --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY $ORIGIN1_ADDR "bridgeRequest(uint256)" 5000000000000000000

Note: The bridge request callback should be on the destination chain(Sepolia) because the Reactive Network only supports Sepolia as the destination chain for now. So, Make sure you are calling birdgeRequest function from the other chain. (Not Sepolia). Adjust ORIGIN1_RPC and ORIGIN1_ADDR accordingly in the above command.

This should trigger the callback on the destination chain(Sepolia) and mint the amount of tokens to the caller address on the destination chain.

Deployed Contracts

Running the Demo

Copy the frontend/.env.example file to frontend/.env and update the environment variables accordingly. Update contract addresses in frontend/src/utils/constants.js file.

Install dependencies and start the frontend:

cd frontend

npm install

npm run dev

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the demo.

Bridging Workflow

  1. Connect Wallet: Connect your wallet to the frontend. Make sure you have some funds on Polygon.

  2. Mint Tokens: Mint CrossToken(XT) on the origin chain(Polygon) by clicking the Mint button. This will mint 50 tokens to your address on the origin chain(Polygon) for demonstration purposes.

  3. Bridge Tokens: Enter the amount of tokens to be bridged and click the Bridge button. This will trigger a bridge request from the origin chain(Polygon) burning them mount of tokens on origin(Polygon) and emitting a BridgeRequest event with the user's address and the amount to be bridged.

  4. Reactive Contract listens for the BridgeRequest event on the origin chain(Polygon) and triggers a callback to the destination chain(Sepolia) with the event payload data to mint the amount of tokens to the user's address on the destination chain(Sepolia). The UI shows source and destination transaction links for tracking the progress of the bridge transfer.

  5. The frontend updates the token balances in real-time to reflect the status of the bridge transfer.

Workflow Example

  1. User mints 50 XT(CrossToken) on the origin chain(Polygon). https://polygonscan.com/tx/0xb34029deb89e48f2447a95a2240434f7055bac38e34a2ddaeafbd51fcca861f4

  2. User requests to bridge 10 XT from the origin chain(Polygon) to the destination chain(Sepolia). https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x23552c280b0b40a5d426d4ca23858faa8d6ec26cb696d4c154e5c0e834ad8b02

  3. Reactive Contract listens for the BridgeRequest event on the origin chain(Polygon) and triggers a callback to the destination chain(Sepolia) with the event payload data to mint 10 XT to the user's address on the destination chain(Sepolia).


  1. Destination contract receives the callback and mints 10 XT to the user's address on the destination chain(Sepolia). https://sepolia.etherscan.io/tx/0xf767aa66dffbbc6330f640f31d1aa541cecce2c96b0bc8cdcd763469d00796eb